Programme de l'école d'automne
INSA Rouen, Amphi Germaine Tillion
- 9h30-10h Accueil
- 10h-12h: Daniel Onofrei, "A short introduction to periodic homogenization"
- 13h30-14h30: Daniel Onofrei, "A short introduction to periodic homogenization"
- 15h-18h: Bartek Protas, "Numerical optimization of partial differential equations"
- 9h-12h30: Daniel Onofrei, "A short introduction to periodic homogenization"
- 14h-17h: Paola Goatin, "Macroscopic traffic flow models on networks"
- 9h-12h30: Paola Goatin, "Macroscopic traffic flow models on networks"
- 14h-17h30: Bartek Protas, "Numerical optimization of partial differential equations"
Programme de la conférence
- 9h30- 10h00: Accueil des participants
- 10h00-10h15: Mots d'accueil
- 10h15-10h55: Anne-Laure DALIBARD (UPMC)
- 11h00-11h20: Beniamin BOGOSEL (CMAP, Polytechnique)
- 11h20-11h45: Coffee break
- 11h45-12h25: Bartek PROTAS (McMaster University)
12h30-14h00: Lunch
- 14h00-14h40: Ulrich RUDE (University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
- 14h45-15h05: Charles DAPOGNY (Université Grenoble Alpes)
- 15h05-15h25: Jessica GUERAND (DMA, ENS Paris)
- 15h25-16h20: Coffee break and poster session
- 16h20-16h40: Giovanni PISANTE (Università degli Studi della Campania)
- 16h40-17h20: Paola GOATIN (INRIA Sophia Antipolis
19h30 : Dîner
- 9h30-10h10: Sonia FLISS (ENSTA ParisTech)
- 10h15-10h35: Grigor NIKA (LMS, Polytechnique)
- 10h35-11h00: Coffee break
- 11h00-11h20: Manuel VILLANUEVA-PESQUEIRA (Universidad Pontificia Comillas)
- 11h20-12h00: Daniel ONOFREI (University of Houston)
12h05-13h45: Lunch
- 13h45-14h25: Virginie BONNAILLIE-NOËL (ENS Paris, CNRS)
- 14h30-14h50: Giuseppe VISCONTI (RWTH Aachen University)
- 14h50-15h20: Coffee break
- 15h20-15h40: Khang DAO (KTH, Stockholm)
- 15h40-16h20: Guy BARLES (Université de Tours)